Got a call inquiring how the AMSOIL group ship works on orders.
Here is my answer:

As AMSOIL Dealers, we can help people defray the shipping charges on an order by using a group ship.
Group ship is done when a dealer calls in an order for a couple customers. This order will need to be shipped to a single location (usually that dealer) and then those customers can either pick up the order or the dealer can deliver.
Besides placing group ship orders by phone dealers can place group ship orders via online order form located in the AMSOIL Dealers zone. (each order will need to be placed separately. There is a box at the top of the order form for group ship instructions)
If you have customers that complain about shipping or you would just like to pay less for your own products that you order, using the AMSOIL Group ship can be a great option.
One note if you setup a group ship via the Telephone ordering line AMSOIL will give you a group ship number that you can use each time you do a group ship. This is especially helpful if you place group ship orders on a regular basis.
We recently used a group ship for a couple customers. One of our Retail on the Shelf accounts needed 6 quarts of AMSOIL 4 stroke marine 10w40. We also just happened to be placing a larger order for one of our Small engine shops. This order was 5 cases of oil.
Instead of the 6 quart customer paying $8.76 shipping for that order by itself. They can lump the order with the 5 cases which would cut the shipping charge in half ($4.23).
Doing group ship can be done with any number of orders and will help you and your customers reduce the overall cost of AMSOIL products.

Understanding the AMSOIL Shipping Rates

AMSOIL ships products based on weight. This helps folks understand how much they are pay and allows dealers and customer to pay less per pound by buying more products. If you are ordering a case of oil, adding in a bottle of Pi performance improver would only add an addition $0.47 to your shipping charge. So ordering all your products at one time makes a lot of sense.
Here are the current shipping charges. (These are subject to change, so be sure to check your current AMSOIL list)
U.S. AMSOIL Dealer Freight Rates
Effective August 1, 2008

Weight, lbs.


Under 33-6.97-13.914-21.9
Over 1,000
$0.47 per lb.
$0.38 per lb.
$0.37 per lb.
$0.34 per lb.
$0.30 per lb.
$0.28 per lb.
$0.27 per lb.

If anyone has questions on group ship, please post a comment.