Happy New Year. We hope that 2013 is your best year ever!
As always, Alecia and I are 100% committed to your success and strive to help you find the tools and the motivation to accomplish your goals.
Feel free to download our 2013 goal sheet. This document can provide you with ideas and direction on how to most effectively build your AMSOIL Business. We would love to see what goals you have written down. If you would like to share them with us, please send us an email or use our contact page.
As AMSOIL dealers, we have the ability to determine our own successes. We are in business for ourselves, but not by our ourselves!  We all benefit from AMSOIL’s solid 40 year history of creating the best in synthetic lubrication as well as a business opportunity second to none.
On the reverse side of our holiday message that went out to the Sparks Team of AMSOIL Dealers, we included a few thoughts that we hoped might inspire you in 2013.
What if I….

 — take charge of my own destiny?

— remove worry and doubt from my life?

— affect the lives of others in a positive way?

— have more time to do what I really want?

— have more savings, less debt and more financial freedom?

— have a mentor to help and guide me?

— put my talents to work?

— found others that felt the same way?

— I could help them and mentor them so they could also achieve success?


What if I got started right now on the

 “Journey of the Rest of My Life?”

I (Michael here) had the exact same questions years ago. I wanted more. I needed more. But I didn’t have the first clue how to change what I was currently doing; that is, until I started working with AMSOIL. Since then my whole life has changed.
We (Alecia and I) want to offer you an even better, faster and more profitable way to start that journey. The Sparks Team is committed to your success and we want to offer you exclusive access to some of our training tools.
If you are not yet an AMSOIL Dealer and are thinking about joining this awesome company. Feel free to get in touch with us or look around on this dealer training site. We would love to work with you. Since 2000 we have worked with AMSOIL Dealers all over the USA and Canada. It is our goal to help you get the most out of your AMSOIL business.
Contact us any time.
Michael and Alecia Sparks, AMSOIL Regency Silver Direct Jobbers
931-801-901 (call or text)
contact us