Sparks Team AMSOIL Training Call for Monday June 10th, 2013.
The theme for this weeks call is:
If I was starting my AMSOIL business today what would I do?
Getting Start Right—This is a business so treat it like one.
- Separate account / debit card
- Funding your account
- Keep great records, We use Hurdlr
- Tax advantages –
Basic Understanding of the Compensation Plan…How do you make money in AMSOIL?
- Commercial / ROTS pays you a cash commission of 15-20% and is your best bang for the time and $$ spent.
- AMSOIL Dealer /PC program is a longer term but stable once established.
- In the T-1 program, “Sell for today’s income and sponsor for tomorrow’s stability.” Understand this.
- Maximize your commissions. Building over time concentrate on setting a goal the passing, and moving to the next. 300 cc’s, 500 cc’s, 1000 cc’s, etc.
- If you see your income going $50 one month $500 the next $20 the next $750 something isn’t right. Steady growth in your business is what builds a profitable long term business.
- Watching the Tim Sale DVD and understand the Brilliant Compensation.
Put AMSOIL products in your vehicles and equipment ASAP.
- Become a product of the product.
- The more products you use, the more “personal testimonials and recommendations you can use”.
- As you gain customers get testimonials, written or verbal. Written is best.
Announce to your friends and family. Visit with your closest friends and relatives to determine how they can help you get your business launched. Ask for assistance. Most dealers don’t do this, ask those that you know personally about getting started. Who is going to be your first customer? Get them registered.
Send out a letter to every contact you have an address for. Let them know you are starting a new “part-time” business and that you are hoping to help people save money on their vehicle maintenance as well as help them save money on fuel economy while increasing performance.
Gathering customers
- Start on your list right away. Who do you know that has vehicles and equipment? That’s about everyone right?
- Put them on your list, don’t take them off.
- Create a newsletter via email.
- Ask your friends and family if you could send out a newsletter once a month with new information. Ask them to proof read it for you and give feedback. Perhaps forward it to their friends.
- Add prospects to that email list.
- Free tools for an email list. We use Aweber
AMSOIL Commercial / Retail Accounts
- Having local C/R accounts is important.
- Building relationships with people you already do business with.
- Small local shows. Car Shows, Bike Shows, fairs, flea markets,
- Inexpensive ways to find people to talk about your business.
Registering customers.
- 25 Commercial / ROTS/ Installer accounts and earn 1000 commission credits is Account Direct
- Dealers and PC’s
Jordan Adler the author of Beach Money created a Six Figure per month income in sponsoring 2.5 distributors per month. Sponsoring 30 new distributors per year can significantly increase your income. Why not make that a goal? If you do better great, if you do less, well get to work!
Using Social Media:
- A website, AMSOIL, or build your own.
- Have a listen to our call on using WordPress
- Facebook (personal and business page)
- Youtube
Literature and Clothing
- Don’t become a literature collector. Order your literature and get it in the hands of people that can buy.
- Have literature on hand. Don’t get crazy with expensive literature but don’t be so cheap as you don’t present a professional appearance.
- G1312 AMSOIL Literature pack is essential
- Other Essential AMSOIL Literature Items
- G100 catalogs essential
- G250 Installer Kit
- G1001 ROTS Kit
- G1007 Commercial Kit
- Clothing, don’t keep it a secret you sell AMSOIL!
- Shirts, hats and promotional items.
- AMSOIL on your vehicles. At the very least a sticker and your cell phone number
What to spend?
- Are you serious about earning some income in your AMSOIL Business?
- $200-500 to start.
- Fast track, Spending $1000 is not out of the question
What could you do in the first year of your AMSOIL Business?
- First month. T-1 at the very least.
- 30 days. Have a PC, dealer, Commercial and ROTS account registered and in place
- 60 days at least 10 C/R accounts, 3-4 dealers, and 5-10 PC’s
- 90 days 20 C/R accounts, 8-10 dealers sponsored. 10-20 pc’s
- 6 months 25-50 C/R accounts, 15 dealers, and 25-30 pc’s.
- 1 year. Direct Jobber, 25-30 dealers. 40-50 pc’s, and 50-100 C/R accounts.
What if? What if you could make these suggestions happen? What if you only did ½ of this or even ¼ of this? You are still more successful 90 % of AMSOIL dealers.