Professional AMSOIL Dealers are successful AMSOIL Dealers. While it may be inexpensive to become a dealer that doesn’t mean you should take this opportunity lightly. This is a business after all. The more you put into it, the more you will get back in return. That return is more customers, more opportunities and more income from your efforts.
The article posted below was published in the February 2014 edition of the AMSOIL Dealer magazine. This magazine is sent out to all active AMSOIL Dealers.
The Sparks Team firmly believes that if you incorporate points of the article into your business you will see more success than you can ever imagine.

Dealers who operate a professional business help themselves, the entire dealer network and AMSOIL Inc.

by Rob Stenberg, AMSOIL Director  of Dealer Sales
What does it mean to be a professional AMSOIL Dealer?
Being professional is essential for an AMSOIL Dealer. If a Dealer does his job professionally, he will enjoy it more, produce better results and help more people. The need to always do the job with integrity is constant and it helps you to be proud to be an AMSOIL Dealer.
This is part of being a professional. A professional AMSOIL Dealer knows the product line much better than a prospect. He also must know as much as possible about competitive products and the market in general.
As a professional AMSOIL Dealer, it’s very important to always be honest and polite despite how prospects treat you. Professionals are those who stay above emotions. You must treat everybody you meet with respect, regardless of how they treat you, their income level or their occupation. Remember – treat everybody with respect.
Please also note that good business management is part of being professional. always be well-organized and feel good about your business and the AMSOIL product line you represent. AMSOIL manufactures the highest-performing synthetic lubricants on the market. Be proud of that fact and keep it in mind when deciding whether to make that next sales call.
Professional Dealers are always on schedule. They look good and they are organized. They know what to do and how to do it. The professional always stays positive. He looks sharp, he wears clean clothes and he smells good. People should like to talk to you. I shouldn’t have to even mention the importance of being well-groomed and having a presentable vehicle when driving up to an account’s front door, but I guess I just did.
Nowadays a professional AMSOIL Dealer doesn’t make sales; he offers a solution to his client’s problems. Selling is a transference of feelings. So if you don’t have good feelings about AMSOIL products or the service you offer, you will not sell much. However, if you like and use the products yourself, you will sell some even if you don’t know exactly how you did it. The more conviction we have in AMSOIL products, the easier it is to show potential clients why they need AMSOIL products and the service you provided. Show them testimonials, but don’t shove them down their throats.
Be proud to be a professional AMSOIL Dealer. Think about that for just a minute. Imagine your doctor being embarrassed to admit he is a doctor. Not very comforting, is it? How about a nurse that feels the same? How about a teacher who doesn’t want anyone to know her profession? Have you ever met a firefighter or police officer that was afraid to admit it? In every profession, the members of that profession are proud to be a part of it. amazingly, that is not the case with the majority of salespeople in general, and even with some AMSOIL Dealers. Do you wear AMSOIL clothing? Do you have your vehicle wrapped with AMSOIL graphics? Professional salespeople, and professional AMSOIL Dealers, don’t like to think of themselves as “salespeople.”
Professional AMSOIL Dealers, and salespeople, understand the challenging nature of what they do for a living and the importance it has for their families, their companies and the economy as a whole. Did you know that the work of the average salesperson in this nation supports four other families within the organization?
Professional AMSOIL Dealers don’t hide it or apologize for it; they revel in it.
So, you might be asking yourself, why all this talk about being a professional AMSOIL Dealer? Well, one of the most common complaints from Dealers received in the Dealer Sales Department is the lack of professionalism of other AMSOIL Dealers. An unprofessional Dealer has entered a prospective account and created such ill will with that prospect that no other AMSOIL Dealer is welcome. Coincidentally, this is also the most common complaint we hear from accounts in the field. The AMSOIL Dealer who registered the account has not provided the type of service the account desires. The Dealer hasn’t made the account aware of new AMSOIL products, hasn’t helped determine which products should be carried based on the account’s customer base, hasn’t offered any training for store personnel and hasn’t made them aware of AMSOIL programs (such as the advertising Co-op) that could help the account sell more AMSOIL products. The AMSOIL Dealer basically registered the account, taught an employee how to order and then walked away.
Being a professional means being there when your customer needs you. Think of it this way: If the service you are providing your customers was the service you received from a vendor, would you keep buying from them?
Good Luck and Good Selling!

Besides being a professional AMSOIL Dealer, consider how you treat your home based business in general. Just because you work from home or are involved with Network Marketing or MLM, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be a professional.


Go Pro Book

Back in May 2013 we interviewed Eric Worre, author of “Go Pro, 7 steps to becoming a Network Marketing Professional.
Learning how to become a pro in any profession is important. The more we do to increase our skills the more success we will have.
I promise if you read this book your business life will be forever changed.